Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Cell: Evolution of the First Organism (New Biology)

The writer:got here. My credentials, if you like. After all, if you're going to take advice on such a serious subject then it's only fair that I spell out why you shnd. The advice contained in these pages is given because I believe it to be the truth. Which, you may be surprised to know, isn't always the case when you read product reviews in magazines. These publications are funded by advertising, so the subjects they cover and the type of products they review (and, very occasionally, the opinions of the reviewers) are dictated by the list of advertisers that ter press which show pictures of a stressed IT manager or security guy relaxing on a beach somewhere, safe in the knowledge that product X, which he's just purchased, is taking care of security, and he doesn't have to worry about it any more. I hate to tell you this, but the real world really isn't like that. Despite what the glossy adverts tell you, you can't buy peace of mind. You still need to worry. But at least this book will help you to prioritize your worrying, and to direct your efforts into fixing the most important problems first.

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